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Dream Gallery

Twin Oaks Juvenile Center
Pastor Kory delivering a powerful sermon to the youth at the Juvenile Center in North Florida. Our mission is to transform these young lives, ensuring they never experience the confines of a prison cell.

A Blessing in Trinidad
Pastor Kory received the torch from his mentor and spiritual father, Larry Millender, granting him the opportunity to preach in Trinidad. Grace Point Fellowship of Trinidad prayed for and blessed Kory in his future missions around the world.

Victorious Living
Pastor Kory's testimony was first featured in VL magazine in 2017 while he was an inmate of FDOC. Since his release in 2018, Kory has continued to write and travel with this ministry, spreading hope and love within prisons. Here they are on a prison tour in Central Florida. For the full article, please click the link to pages 18 and 19.

Filming in FDOC
Most of the time, the services that take place inside prisons remain unseen. However, after extensive paperwork, FDOC has granted permission for this service to be filmed. Please click the link to watch the video.

Supporting Ministries
D.R.E.A.M often collaborates with other ministries that share our passion. We were blessed to attend a Christmas banquet fundraiser in Tallahassee for a women's recovery home. We brought some of our team and contributed to the mission of securing a larger home for these women.

Prison to the Pulpit.
Pastor Kory and his wife Kasey met and married while in FDOC. Kory had a profound encounter with God and answered his call to preach while still incarcerated. He preached to over 100 inmates weekly.

Family Restoration
One of the first men to join D.R.E.A.M., Nate, served 4 years in prison. Upon his release, he became a devoted follower of Jesus. After a remarkable transformation, Nate gained custody of his son from foster care and is now a thriving single father. He also founded Felon Entrepreneur, a movement dedicated to helping other felons achieve success.

Inmate Encounter
Inmate Encounter is a ministry that the late Billy Graham help start over 50 years ago. This ministry features wonderful musicians, and a variety of talent acts as well as sharing the gospel. Pastor Kory has recently become one of the key speakers in the events they have in FDOC.

Out in the Trenches
One of our team members is returning to the homeless and drug-addicted camps hidden in the woods of Pinellas County to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jay Bird Springs Men's Facility
D.R.E.A.M has traveled to Georgia into Jay Bird Springs Men's Home. A place for men who have struggled in addiction. Pastor Kory led 5 men to Christ while doing a special service there.

Full Circle
Pastor Kory with his former prison companions. All three of these men did many years in prison and that is where they met. They have now all been released only to find each other again as on fire men of God. Pictured from left to right is Steve Miholics personal trainer and founder of non-profit ministry Fitness Witness, Pastor Kory, and Nathan Carreras founder of Felon Entrepeneur. You can click the link below to check out Steve's facebook page.

Friday Night Services
Come see us at 4923 Darlington Rd in Holiday, FL located in the Kingdom Life Church building. We have amazing worship and Pastor Kory preaches the house down. It is truly anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Feeding Souls and Bodies
D.R.E.A.M also volunteers in a local food ministry in Pinellas County preparing meal packs for the homeless where over 350 bag lunches are put together and distributed throughout the Pasco and Pinellas area.

Sunday's in Prison
Pastor Kory and wife Kasey spend every second Sunday of each month inside Zephryhills C.I.

2023 Fort Wilderness Men's Retreat
Pastor Kory preached for 300+ men at a secluded camp in Wisconsin. A place where you unplug from the world and spend the weekend with God. A truly powerful anointed weekend.

Boone County Indiana
Pastor Kory was invited to Boone County Indiana to preach in the county Jail.

Badged Official Chaplain
It's amazing how God brings things full circle. At one time Kory would ride in the back of police cars in handcuffs. Today he is rewarded a badged chaplain of Boone County Sherriff's Dept.

Light in a Dark Place
The sun rises on Day 2 of Pastor Kory's prison tour in Marion County with Inmate Encounter

Baptism in DOC
Pastor Kory baptizes inmates in FLDOC. Such a powerful move of God in the prisons

Bethel Baptist Haitian Church
Pastor Kory was invited to speak at a revival in Boca Raton at Bethel Baptist Church. A beautiful Haitian church filled with on fire men and women of God that took us in like family.

Language is Never a Barrier
Pastor Kory was able to share the gospel with an interpreter speaking Creole.

First Moments Out
There is nothing better than being able to be there when someone has their first moments out. DREAM is able to help with clothing and other needs for individuals released from prison.

Miami Prison Tour with VL
The wonderful crew from Victorious Living and our wonder Pastor Kory pose for a picture after a powerful service in Dade Correctional Institution,

God of Restoration
12 men stand at the front of the church on one of our Friday nights. Men who were once incarcerated, addicted, and broken and now serve the Lord and are living proof of His grace.

Last Minute Blessing
Pastor Kory reached out to Christian rap artist Zauntee, who expressed a deep passion for visiting prisons and rehabilitation centers to share his testimony, rap, and minister to both men and women. With just a week to organize, God provided an opportunity at West Care Facility in St. Petersburg, FL. DREAM collaborated with Zauntee and DJ Winn to bring the message of Jesus to those in need.
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